Sunday, December 19, 2010

This is Conversation... Really??

Okay, so what's up with conversation lately? I'm finding it more difficult to have any intelligent exchange with anyone these days. So many are using blah, blah, blah as part of their story telling. It goes something like this. "I was talking to a friend at work about Christmas shopping, how crowded the malls are and blah, blah, blah, WTF really? If the story you are telling me is so uninteresting that you have to include that phrase, then do you really think I am captivated by your words? How about you fill in the blah, blah, blah with something more compelling. Hell, make something up, I don't care. I just don't want to spend 15 minutes of my time listening to a story, that includes 8 minutes of this non-conversational fill in!

There are several other words I would love you to either use correctly or keep them out of your freakin' conversation. For example "Epic". Seriously, epic does not describe your morning because you got just the right amount of foam on your cappuccino or you breezed through three red lights on your way to work and didn't get caught! I would insert the definition here, but I'd rather you look it up for yourself so you can get a clear understanding of the meaning of the word. That in itself would be fuckin' EPIC! (Yes, I know, I used that incorrectly too, see how stupid that is!)

So, not just for my sake, but for every other person that is stuck in a conversation with you, be forewarned, "whatever" and "like" are equally annoying and I will walk away from you mid sentence!

Much Love—Jodi


  1. "LIKE!" Makes me want to scream!! So does "yadda, yadda, yadda" used like the blah thing! Though I am sure my use of "TOO" drives people NUTS!! TOO FUNNY!!

  2. Ha, ha, Michele. I say "Dude" a lot, I guess I think I'm still in the 70's

  3. Your story was "Wicked Pissa"

  4. How about the term "sort of". Even the news anchors use that one. Something either is or it isn't. That drives me crazy.... well maybe not actually crazy as in sort of psychotic... oh, whatever... lol

  5. Ha, ha, Mama! Thanks for the follow too, it's like epic!

  6. My husband hates "I know, right?" Hates it! I've found that intelligent conversation is always hard to come by, unfortunately.

    I am your newest follower via Thirsty Thursday. I would love a follow back at Dropped Stitches. Thanks bunches!

  7. "I know, right? LOL Hi Erin, thanks for commenting. Sure will follow you, going there right now!

  8. hi ! thanks for visiting my blog!!! i have a few pet peeves of my own regarding intelligent coversation....have a wonderful weekend! xo

  9. My sister complains every time I say "ya know what I mean" ha. ha. It's just a habit I guess as I don't even realize I'm saying it half the time.
