Thursday, August 12, 2010

My Tantrum—Right Back at Ya!

I know I'm gonna get flack from a few parents out there with this one—but I don't care, it has to be said! Does your child throw temper tantrums at the dinner table at home? Then why the hell would you bring that same child into the restaurant where I am trying to enjoy my dinner! I hear parents say things like "so sorry, we have been out all day and she's very tired" Then keep the fucking kid at home and get some take-out. Apparently you would prefer to come to this restaurant and let your damn kid stand up in the booth so that they can entertain my ass. Yeah, lady, your daughter playing with my ponytail was only cute the first time, now it's just annoying!

Wouldn't it make sense that now that there is no longer a smoking section in restaurants, that we designate that area as a kid free zone? I really have nothing against children, but I think they should not be allowed in restaurants other than McDonald's, Burger King and the like. And BTW isn't there a restaurant designated just for your kids? I believe it's called "Chuck E. Cheese! I think running around and screaming at the top of your lungs is allowed there. Maybe you should familiarize yourself with that establishment.

I'm really not trying to be a hater of children. I love children— just not yours! When my kid was growing up I was smart enough to know that when he was 0-5 years of age, he had no business eating with the adult population. I kept him at home. On the rare occasion that I did take him out to eat, he was forewarned "I will swipe your ass up out of that seat faster than you can get tears out of your eyes—do not play with me" That's right, I was a mean mommy. Guess what else, my child listened to me when I told him to do something and knew better than to talk back about it too!

So take that!! — I look forward to your comments, LOL

Much Love—Jodi


  1. HAHA! I thought I was the ONLY one who thought that way!! :) My parents hardly ever took my brother & I out to dinner...but when they did we KNEW we had to be on our best behavior. If we started acting up, all my Mom had to do was give us the "look" and we knew we were in for it later.

  2. My parents used to leave us in the car (blasphemy) if we acted up! We didn't act up much after that! Plus my Mom was queen of the count down! For the longest time I could only count to 10!!!! LOL

  3. YOU'RE MY IDOL. I've been known to growl at children. And their parents. I refuse to eat with someone else's child kicking, climbing, or even touching me. Usually I will just ask to be moved to a different table as to avoid any stupid situations. I'm paying good money for my meal and I'm damn well gonna enjoy it.

  4. I thought I was alone in my hatred of this practice, glad to see I have company. And Emma, I have plenty of "balls" in other areas, see!

  5. I totally agree! i dont have kids but might one day. Everytime I see a screaming kid in a nice restaurant, (i think Olive Garden is nice:) or in a department store, i swear to myself that i will put of having kids till i am ready to spend my days at home or at the park.

  6. Right on. I have 4 kids and on the rare occasion that we do eat out, I never have to worry about a tantrum from any of them because they know I will flip them over my knee right there and tan their ass to brown. Even my 16 year old thinks twice before getting lippy. if they need to run off steam, I get picnic stuff and they go to the park. Brat kids are maddening.

  7. One of my most favorite comments to my husband is "not everyone in the world thinks other people's children are as amusing as the parents seem to think". Plus, upon hearing a blood curdling scream as I try to concentrate on my shopping, "somebody needs to shut that damn kid up". When in this type of situtation with my oldest for the first time I asked if she wanted to go to the bathroom, not needed to but wanted to. She replied yes and I whaled her ass in Friendley's ladies room and that was the last time I had to do that. From that time on when I asked that question she got real quiet real fast, didn't take long for that one to catch on....
